BREAKING: MEDIA NEWS: Millions outraged by reports of a massive spying by the National Security Agency have taken to social media to share the intimate details of their lives in protest. Mary Jean Andreson of Cornerville, WI posted this on Facebook in response to the NSA scandal: "Why the heck does the NSA care that my husband is a no good, lazy crumb who never takes the trash out?" Kevin Treadway of Penooka, MO also expressed his outrage by sharing the details of his dating life on Facebook: "Dumped again. Girls suck. So what if I chew my food with my mouth open and talk while drinking? You've never seen beer trickle down someone's chin? Come on! I'm never asking anyone out again. EVER!!!! Got that, NSA????????? Susan Leapletter of Turnbridge County, TX, who was --feeling crappy, was even more irate with her status update: "My boss and coworkers are such a losers! Who cares if I took extra office supplies home. Doesn't EVERYONE?!?!?!? Why do I...
I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it. --Rihanna We sat in our seats waiting for the second half to start. With the score tied, the fans were hopeful that our team would come out fighting and put this one away. The stands were abuzz with folks making the obligatory concessions and pitstop runs, standing up to stretch and nodding mindlessly to the half-time family-friendly events taking place on the field. At the 50-yard line, a group preteen girls danced to a catchy little tune. Their parents dressed the future Bey-Beys modestly and didn't over-do the makeup. How refreshing it was to see girls dressing and looking their age, rather than 10-going-on-30. Finally, I thought, people are getting it. That's when my husband pointed out that the catchy little tune to which they were dancing was none other than Rihanna's S&M. And the WTF moment quickly descended upon yours truly.