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Who Needs Gold When You Have Silence

I can talk. What would you like to know? Pick a topic. We'll discuss. Yes, I can talk. The problem is that so can my husband. And he is much better at it than I. But I don't mind. His love of conversation--and his skill at it--is one of the things that drew me to the big lug in the first place. But just as capable as we are at talking, we are capable of sitting in silence. And we don't think there is anything wrong with that. One of my favorite movie quotes is from When Harry Met Sally: (Harry, to Sally) "It is so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk." How true is that? I often joke with my husband when we are dining out that people can probably tell we've been married a long time because we are usually the only couple in the place not talking. Take note, fine, young newlyweds--some of the best conversation you will ever have will come from not conversing at all.

Yes, as the old saying goes, silence is golden. After perusing other quotes about silence, it can be concluded that silence is also one of the strongest ties that bind. A cure for all that ails you. A welcome site for sore ears. I'd like to point out a few quotes that explain just how integral silence can be to a successful marriage:
An inability to stay quiet is one of the most conspicuous failings of mankind.  ~Walter Bagehot
I really don't think I need to expound. After reading this quote, it should be understood that when you find a partner who can remain silent, you have found a keeper.
The best answer to anger is silence.  ~Author Unknown
In other words...if you can't say anything nice.....Anger, like the wind, eventually dissipates given the time and opportunity to do so naturally.
Silence is also speech.  ~Proverb
Um, ever hear of nonverbal communication? It works.
Nothing is more useful than silence.  ~Menander of Athens
Eventually, we all find ourselves in a situation wanting to "help" by offering suggestions. Sometimes, the best suggestions are those left unspoken. To illustrate this, I defer to the great Jean Shepherd, who wrote "A Christmas Story". When Dad was wrestling with the furnace, did Mom run down and offer her advice? No. When Dad could not get his "major award" to light up properly due to the medusa hair coming out of the outlet, did Mom say much? No. And when Dad got upset over the demise of his major award, he only muttered "Not a finger!" before retreating in silence. And look how happy they were at the end of that American classic.

But yet, as nice as it is for others to be silent when you are in need of silence, we must not forget that
To silence another, first be silent yourself.  ~Latin Proverb.
And when one asks the secret to a long marriage, I will ever remind them that
Silence is as deep as eternity; speech, shallow as time.  ~Thomas Carlyle.
Is it possible to be a friend AND a lover? Why yes. For, as Confucius said
Silence is the true friend that never betrays.
I now leave you to contemplate your own thoughts on silence.....preferably in silence.


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