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Travel Blog--Missing Krakow Part 2

I promised that my next travel blog would be a list of the top ten reasons why you should visit Krakow. So, here I am to deliver. While these might be my top ten, they are in no way meant to be inclusive, and are in no particular order. Remember, I blog about whatever pops into my head, and single file does not exist in my head. Here goes.

1. Klezmer-Hois: Best. Jewish. Food. Ever. In the heart of Kazimierz, or the Jewish district, this little gem is worth it just to see the 16th century building that houses this hotel/restaurant. Words cannot describe the charm of this little house. See accompanying photo. We went there for lunch and should have gone back for dinner and the nightly concert. Next time. Definitely.

2. The People. One thing I like best about traveling is soaking up new cultures. And what would culture be without the people? The Poles are a sweet, friendly, jovial and proud people. Sure, there will be those who are "all business", but for the most part, we received superb hospitality.

3. Perogies. Duh.

4. Rickety trains. One thing you will find in the former Eastern block countries, who up until recently, operated under communist control, is that the infrastructure may be a little lacking in modernization. We took the train from Hamburg to Krakow and then from Krakow to Vienna. You could tell you were in Poland because the ride suddenly got very, very, very bumpy. Now, some might complain and let this ruin their trip. But, I say it just adds to the experience.

5. Wieliczka Salt Mines. Touristy, but well worth the tour. The world's oldest salt mine, this site was producing rock salt up until 2007. The miners were often down there for long periods of time and passed some of it by carving magnificent sculptures from salt. There is also a full chapel that is still used for mass on holy days and weddings.

6. The Schindler Museum. The factory, as featured in the movie, Schindler's List, is now a museum that serves as a reminder of one of the worst episodes in world history. The exhibitions commemorate the work and life of the Jewish workers during the Nazi occupation.

7. The reverence paid to home-town hero, Pope John Paul II. Now, I'm Catholic and I know that Jan Pawel II was quite conservative in his leadership of the Church. But, one cannot deny the good works he did throughout his life. The respect and love that Krakow has for this future saint was apparent in the many statues and signs commemorating the places he frequented, where he lived, where he prayed every day.

8. History. History. History. We must not forget the past. Especially a time where the world allowed so many people to be persecuted and murdered. Genocide still goes on today. While concentration camps such as Auschwitz and Birkenau are horrible, painful places to visit. They typify a motto that has become popular in the wake of 9/11: Never forget.

9. Unique nightlife. We asked the locals staffing the front desk at our hotel where were the best places to go for nightlife. And we emphasized, "Send us to where you and your friends would hang out." Kazimierz was always the first answer. You can never go wrong following the advice of the locals. Do as the Romans do, right? Just the visit to Alchemia was well worth the night time stroll through the old Jewish district.

10. Finally, why visit Krakow? Why not? It's a beautiful city, rich with history, terrific food, pleasant locals and will not fail to deliver a good time. Go. Get. Go.


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