I'm not one to write on matters of faith. To me, faith is a personal matter between you and your God. I'm not a Biblical scholar. Nor am I well-versed in Church doctrine. To claim to be as much would make me a hypocrite. Tonight, though, during the Stations of the Cross, these words from the Book of Sirach were recited, and for once, I heard them. Now, I've heard this verse many times before. It tends to come up several times a year in readings. These words are not new to me. But let me say once more--tonight I heard them.A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure.--Sirach 6:14
And I got it.
Each year, we relive the message of the Passion of Christ. We are reminded of how He died for our sins. We are reminded of the greatest sacrifice in the history of sacrifices. But perhaps we should consider another fact. He laid down his life for his friends. And as we are reminded, there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for a friend.
Reflecting on these words, I was suddenly distracted by visions of all the moments in my life when people manifested themselves as my friends. The shoulder next to mine as I succumbed to grief. The hand bearing mine allowing me to be forgiven. The silent presence, just being, because we both knew that words were unnecessary. The laughing before a word was spoken. The voice on the other end of the line admitting that she just felt she had to call on that day, at that moment, because she sensed I needed a friend. The unsolicited email pleading with me to not be sad on one of the saddest days for me each year. And yes, the lips on mine reminding me of a promise made and a promise kept.

Tonight, for the first time, I realized that truer words have not been spoken.
There is no greater love.
There is only hope that we give what has been given.