There have been so many awards shows lately for the entertainment industry, that I actually thought that the Oscars were over and done with. On the contrary, they will air tonight. So logically, the interwebs will be ticking with analyses of who got snubbed, who wore what and with a little luck, who said something controversial on camera to add a touch of flair to the seemingly stuffy evening. I love movies and all, but really have no opinion-good or bad-on the Academy Awards. It's nice to see artists recognized for their hard work and dedication to their craft, but I don't need some committee to tell me who did a good job acting, directing, film editing, composing, cinemetographing, etc. (Okay, I made that last word up. Sue me). I've seen enough movies to know what's good and what's not according to my own tastes. If I had my druthers, there would be an award for Best Movie that Got Snubbed in the Past or Went Unnoticed by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and S...
Ramblings of an Accidental Twit.