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Showing posts from August, 2013

This Should Come As No Surprise

I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it. --Rihanna We sat in our seats waiting for the second half to start. With the score tied, the fans were hopeful that our team would come out fighting and put this one away.  The stands were abuzz with folks making the obligatory concessions and pitstop runs, standing up to stretch and nodding mindlessly to the half-time family-friendly events taking place on the field. At the 50-yard line, a group preteen girls danced to a catchy little tune. Their parents dressed the future Bey-Beys modestly and didn't over-do the makeup. How refreshing it was to see girls dressing and looking their age, rather than 10-going-on-30. Finally, I thought, people are getting it. That's when my husband pointed out that the catchy little tune to which they were dancing was none other than Rihanna's S&M.  And the WTF moment quickly descended upon yours truly.

The Antisociality of Social Media Part 11: Just Give Us Picture Books Already

Social media has done it again.  From the ambiguous and uninterpretable meaning of likes to the destruction of civilized language though an overpopulation of 3-4 letter acronyms, punctuation marks and emoticons, we have run the gamut of sorry excuses for words. Or so I thought. Allow me to introduce you, dear reader, to the Facebook Sticker. What is a sticker you might ask? It is a quick and dirty mechanism to scare the crap out of the BFF who is on the receiving end of your impersonal, remote, online dialogue, that's what.  Let me illustrate by defining these new "you can't see me so I am going to try to tell you how I am feeling through creepy cartoonish faces" word stand-ins. Enjoy. Or not.