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The Antisociality of Social Media Part 8: What's Your Sign?

Last November I wore purple just about every day of the month. Whether it was earrings, a bracelet, t-shirt, underwear didn't matter--every day was purple day. I like the color purple and all--movie included--but it's not exactly my favorite. You have to think a little with purple. It just doesn't "go" with anything. And depending on the fabric and shade, it can leave one feeling like Barney's surgically removed conjoined twin.

Wearing purple had nothing to do with my taste in color. It just happened to be the color associated with Epilepsy Awareness and November was Epilepsy Awareness Month. Normally colors might go unnoticed, but I'm not exactly a proud peacock in my choice of apparel. So when people noticed me wearing my purple bling, they'd remark how nice it was or how it made my complexion pop. Taking that as my cue to deliver my lines, I'd tell them about my sweet nephew who has Doose Syndrome, a rare form of childhood epilepsy that is devastating for families.

I wore purple for him. Did it cure his epilepsy? No. Did it lessen the degree and frequency of seizures? Of course not. But it did give me a chance to help educate people on his illness and how there is no known cure. And that the treatment options are limited and harsh on his little body. And how not all childhood epileptics grow out of it. And how research for rare forms of epilepsy is woefully underfunded. And how just knowing the signs and symptoms and what to look for may allow families to catch this disease early and hopefully stave off any further drawbacks to cognitive and physical development.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breathe. Sorry. Got a little worked up.

No one ever questioned if my wearing purple did any good. They didn't tweet "Sorry, but wearing purple isn't helping." I seriously doubt that anyone would have questioned my devotion or sincerity if I had changed my Facebook profile picture to a purple ribbon. Instead, people responded kindly and were open to my views. They said they'd pray for my nephew. They offered to make donations. They asked where they could get a ribbon or bracelet to show support. It is kind of relieving to know that my coworkers now understand why I come to work down sometimes. They ask how my nephew is doing from time to time. They tell me when they've read an article or watched a broadcast on epilepsy. They send me announcements for epilepsy fundraisers.

It's kind of nice--knowing that they are aware.

There are many colors for many causes. Colors have been used as symbols for eons. They may serve to raise awareness of a disease, condition or disadvantaged group. They may be used to tell the world that you have a loved one fighting a war overseas and prayers for a safe return are most welcome. They are used on safety signs to warn people of dangerous conditions. They are placed in windows of businesses and establishments to tell certain groups that have been met with discrimination that they are actually welcome at that business or establishment. During months like March, college sports fans "bleed" their school colors to show team pride.

No one ever questions the effectiveness of such symbolism. Does it cure diseases? No. Does it help your team win? Probably not. Are you sure that yellow ribbon will bring your loved one home safely? There's no guarantee in that.

So why is it that this week, some people took the time out of their day to question the sincerity, the effectiveness or the ability to do good with this symbol? What is it about this particular symbol that made so many so annoyed? Why question this symbol and not pink ribbons or yellow bows? Are some people uncomfortable knowing where others stand on equality? Are we not supposed to talk about such things in polite settings?

Equality might not pull on heart strings as easily as childhood illnesses. It might make people uncomfortable to see a sea of red on social media outlets. To that, I say, good. Be uncomfortable. You might just understand how the other half feels.

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