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A Fist Full of Thank Yous

It's that time of year again. The colors are turning. The wind is blowing. The leaves are falling. The Boilermaker football team is disappointing.

Yup. Thanksgiving time has arrived, and with it, my yearly not-meant-to-be-exhaustive and in-no-specific-order list of little things for which I am thankful.

Here goes.

I am thankful for:

  1. Hugs from Hank.
  2. Hugs from anyone who gives good hugs.
  3. This opportunity to share my thoughts with you, dear reader.
  4. The Sears Tower.
  5. People who "get" #4.
  6. Those cherished moments when I catch hubby singing girly songs in the shower.
  7. Abby Wambach's forehead.
  8. Voicemails from my siblings because none of us can leave serious voicemails in our own voices.
  9. The gentle hum of city traffic on Sunday mornings.
  10. The tall, headless, wandering statues that comprise Agora.
  11. Friends who send me awesome books in the mail.
  12. Friends who think I am worthy of hardcover books.
  13. Pen pals who are not serial killers.
  14. Pen pals who are not cereal killers. #ILoveMeSomeCheerios.
  15. Whoever invented #hashtags.
  16. My brothers.
  17. My sisters.
  18. All those somehow associated with numbers 16 and 17.
  19. Warm whispers.
  20. Colleagues who can handle my potty mouth.
  21. Colleagues who can't handle my potty mouth for giving me the opportunity to say, "Well, F-you, then."
  22. Politics, for making life interesting, even though politics is a bitch. 
  23. See last post for explanation of #22.
  24. People who are different than me.
  25. Friends who are aware.
  26. Friends who are clueless.
  27. Impromptu Bears games when I have a shit-ton of work to do.
  28. Having the good sense to blow off the shit-ton of work to go to said Bears game. (Pssst...thanks, Char!)
  29. Class reunions.
  30. Twitty's family.
  31. The little things.
  32. The not-so-little things.
  33. New music finds.
  34. Vegan friends for making dinner outings the most interesting and fun nights ever.
  35. Vegan friends who don't mind my incessant need to eat beef, chicken, pork and fish in their presence.
  36. That one time, on the drive home from work, when I heard 4 awesome songs in a row. 
  37. Small favors.
  38. Big favors.
  39. People willing to do #37 and #38 selflessly.
  40. New friends from New York.
  41. The twitterverse. Can you say, "People watcher's cat nip?"
  42. A husband who can cook.
  43. Megan Rapinoe's left foot.
  44. Megan Rapinoe's right foot.
  45. Friends not getting washed away by Sandy.
  46. My fellow former Catholic school girl and friend with similar ethnic background who has all the good Polish places in Chicago mapped out and just needs to get her butt up here and take me to them.
  47. Childrens' Hospitals.
  48. Neighbors who let me pet their dogs in the elevators.
  49. A day off.
  50. My Mommie. And my Dad in Heaven.

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