Shoes tell a story Of everyone you meet What people wear To hide their feet Boots to make you sturdy Sandals to make you free A holey pair of slip-on shoes Will do just fine by me --Tina Kovach (now Henne) I wrote that stupid little poem in high school. My English teacher thought it was a catchy little ditty and wanted me to expand upon the already quirky rhyme. She even threw in her own take on shoes. While I appreciated the feedback, I refused to alter my then-masterpiece for the following reasons: I thought her added lines were dumb I was in the thick of the "you're not the boss of me" 15-year old bitch phase and just wasn't having it I felt that eight lines was more than enough to express my feelings about shoes The deeper meaning of my poetic genius lies in the observation that we are, at times, books that can be judged by our covers (for added cliche bonus--we wear our hearts on our sleeves, our lives are open books, march to the...
Ramblings of an Accidental Twit.